westcalxvandy how was the movie?
eytang8@yahoo.com It was pretty good
eytang8@yahoo.com A lot more serious than I thought it would be
eytang8@yahoo.com Almost cried a couple of times
eytang8@yahoo.com How was work?
westcalxvandy lame and tiring
westcalxvandy wish I could have seen it
eytang8@yahoo.com You should
westcalxvandy kinda want to
westcalxvandy don't wanna have to go with my dad though
westcalxvandy what happened after?
eytang8@yahoo.com Kinda walked around
eytang8@yahoo.com Got some food
westcalxvandy fun
westcalxvandy fun
westcalxvandy February is kinda in love with you
westcalxvandy my love > her love
eytang8@yahoo.com Who is February?
westcalxvandy sarah h...lastnamespelling
eytang8@yahoo.com Oh
eytang8@yahoo.com Your nicknames confuse me
westcalxvandy if it didn't it wouldn't be my nick name
eytang8@yahoo.com That didn't make any sense
westcalxvandy if that did not confuse you
westcalxvandy the lack of confusion would prove it is not a nickname I gave someone
westcalxvandy because my nicknames are generally confusing
westcalxvandy savvy?
eytang8@yahoo.com No
eytang8@yahoo.com Not at all
westcalxvandy it's really not that hard to comprehend
eytang8@yahoo.com Okay, I see your reasoning
westcalxvandy either way lost interest
westcalxvandy "he's sexy" - to quote a text message about you from sarah at 12:20 AM
westcalxvandy can you go out with her so you will always wear that scarf?
eytang8@yahoo.com Or I could just get one
westcalxvandy that's probably a better idea
westcalxvandy I should probably tell you that text was made up then...
eytang8@yahoo.com Why, Carter?
westcalxvandy I want you to wear the scarf
westcalxvandy forever
westcalxvandy and ever
eytang8@yahoo.com Sounds like a big commitment. Let's talk it over later
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm going now
eytang8@yahoo.com off to Mitchell's
westcalxvandy how long you staying for?
eytang8@yahoo.com I dunno
eytang8@yahoo.com However long it takes for people to realize that I'm there and need to be kicked out
westcalxvandy just cover all the lamps with yellow plastic
westcalxvandy I'm going over later today
westcalxvandy sometimes after 6:40
westcalxvandy have fun
eytang8@yahoo.com see ya